Forino’s COVID-19 Action Plan

April 22, 2020

There’s nowhere else I’d rather be during these challenging times than where I feel most at home, and that’s working side by side with other hardworking men and women building homes for families in our community. We’ve all been making incredible sacrifices, juggling a multitude of new responsibilities, and adapting hour by hour and day by day to this temporary new normal. I continue to remind our staff there is a light at the end of this tunnel and each day we get a little bit closer to that, but only if we remain prudent in our efforts to keep us all healthy.

Our company is committed to getting back to work as quickly as we will be permitted to continue providing quality housing and apartments in Southeastern PA, and when that time comes we have a plan in place to ensure our staff, customers, lending partners, and realtors will feel confident entering our facility and doing business with Forino moving forward. From hospital caliber sanitization of our workspace and showroom in Sinking Spring to following social distancing and mask guidelines, we are giving it everything we’ve got to keep you all safe once the state permits us to get back to business as usual. For further detail on the policies and actions we are taking, please see the statement from our Director of Safety, Kurt Schweitzer:

“In these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, Forino Co. is operating on a limited basis for the projects that are deemed life-sustaining by DCED. To ensure healthy and safe work sites, as well as, compliance with CDC, OSHA and the State of Pennsylvania, Forino Co. has been developing, implementing, and refining new COVID-19 safety protocols and training.

In order to further increase the effectiveness of the program, we would like to share these protocols with you to implement when working on our jobsites. See the attached document for further detail.”

COVID-19 Action Plan

Thank you and be safe.

Tony Forino
Founder & CEO Forino Co., L.P.


TheForino Story

The Forino Co., L.P. was established in 1975 by Tony Forino. Through the years, Southeastern Pennsylvania and the South Carolina Lowcountry have come to know Forino as a high value and quality residential home builder. To date, Forino has amassed revenues over $1.53 billion by selling over 7,600 residential homes and developing over 95 communities and counting.

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